The number 78 is not just a mere combination of digits. It haunts your every thought and action. It is the sum of 7 and 8, the product of 7 and 8, the quotient of 7 divided by 8, and the inverse of 8 divided by 7. It is the number of universes that exist within your mind, each one more beautiful than the last.
Siddharta was tested 78 times before he became Buddha, and Tariel defeated 78 demons to rescue his love. For 78 centuries, our fire has been dimming, and now we are left in darkness.
78 neurons control your every move, and 78 assassins were enough to destroy a great Chinese dynasty. It is your birth year, your cat's age, and the number of times stars will fall before the last day.
78 suns shine down upon us, while 78 black holes disappear into oblivion. There are 78 pyramids hidden around the world, and Moctezuma II was killed 78 times before he finally succumbed to death.
You are trapped in a cycle of reincarnation, with 78 as your number. You eat 78 times a day and wear 78 different glasses to prove your right to exist. You have spent 78 years underwater, and you have read all 78 Upanishads, but still you know nothing.
Saint Augustin was tempted by the devil 78 times, and Dante's Hell has added 78 new circles of torment. The name of Tao is 78, and there are 78 asanas to reach Radja Yoga. But even these paths offer no escape from the concept of Anxiety.
The number 78 is a mysterious infinity, containing everything you can imagine and everything you cannot. It is the solution to our problems, and the source of our nightmares. Beware the number 78.
By Dato. 19 June, 2023